This was first posted in May 2015
Today’s prompt has given me something tricky to solve: @FrauPaulchen links to an artistic festival in Berlin which, unfortunately, does not offer an English version. Its topic is “Falling in Love” which of course I don’t even need to translate as a prompt.
Still the English speaking and writing, participants can’t really support the festival. After a good night’s sleep and a little pondering, I have decided to translate the prompt anyway because it is good to show what interesting projects are out there. Maybe this initiates a similar project in an English speaking country. Besides Berlin is a city close to my hea,rt as I lived there for a year just after the wall came down.
So for English #frapalymo the prompt is simply “Falling in love” without the shout to action towards the festival. But here is what @FrauPaulchen wrote.

#frapalymo prompt no 31

(You can find the original German post here)
With today’s prompt @FrauPaulchen’s poetry month in May15 comes to an end. What an exciting month that we have created together! I thank you so much for your contributions, your suggestions, your feedback, your comments amongst each other, your fair play, sigh – just simply that you have taken part every day or just now and then.That’s how being creative together is fun. 
This last #frapalymo prompt is also about this “together” and “being creative” because the #frapalymo prompt for May 31st is: “falling in love”. In this case, it is about orbanism (German page), the “netzwerk fuer digitale contentwirtschaft/network for digital content industry” which I want to introduce you to and which we can and should support directly but also morally. It is about a festival to which artists can submit material from tomorrow onwards. From July 1st,this material can be processed. From August, 1st locations in Berlin can show, etc.these materials. You can find details here (German page) (and Twitter hashtag is #fil15).
I believe this idea and initiative is great and say congratulations to @orbanism (German Twitter account) for courage, concept, holding and indulgence! Shame that I do not live in Berlin and take part in some of the events, but I am sure this will be a comprehensive festival of art for art and an important step towards „art sharing, creating art, sharing creations“ … * besides love is a great topic and in all cases a perfect prompt for the end of a successful #frapalymo and the begin of a great festival!
 and the small print: please let me know via email or twitter if you take part. then i can post the link to your blog/poem on twitter. or post the link in the comments under the daily prompt post on my blog. hashtag for twitter is #frapalymo and I am @FrauPaulchen.
* I have left out one sentence here. @FrauPaulchen wrote “art sharing, creating art, sharing creations” in English and mentioned in the next sentence that she wrote it in English as it just came into her mind. Many Germans are worried about the amount of English expressions streaming into the German language. But for this translation, that sentence would not have made a lot of senses. 

Suggestions for taking part with an English poem in #frapalymo

1. read translation of @FrauPaulchen’s prompt here on Bee’s blog
2. write your English (German if you can/want to) poem on your blog and tag it with “English #frapalymo”
3. use the “English #frapalymo” picture if you want to
4. set a link to the translated prompt here on Bee’s blog
5. visit other links posted here and if you want to/can those posted with the hashtag #fapalymo on Twitter
6. The Bee will post your link to the German #frapalymo and translate for you if you want to

It already has become a multi-country/language project! Thanks!!!!!

My Poem for Today

Dedicated to the one I love
Just your back
And I knew
You are
The one
A band-aid
Symbol of our love
We heal each other
Day by day