This is one of my favourite posts of “A Prompt A Day for Bee” even though the poem certainly isn’t a great one. I was doing a poetry project from June 2014 to May 2015. I asked my readers to give me a prompt and I wrote a poem about it. It was working rather well in the beginning but very soon I ran out of readers and prompts. However, I was not giving up and changing it into posting a poem a day and finding an interesting prompt myself. I look fondly back to that time and even have started to write a poem a day at the end of last year. But most of them won’t see any publishing. But here number eight of the old “A Prompt A Day for Bee”:

Another Day went by and my creativity crew on the world wide web has deserted me: I had to find my own prompt and ended up scouring Twitter for some inspiration. Interesting tweets are one part of @FrauPaulchen’s prompts on #frapalymo and therefore I thought I try it out as well. On June 1 @gennepher posted some pictures of a bee being very attached to Jenny’s pencil and I-pad which I had to retweet and favourite (of course 😉 ).

That is worth a poem, don’t you think? The bee and the pencil I mean not me retweeting lol. Here we go:

The Bee and the Pencil

The bee she wondered constantly
how she could really save
her fellow buzzing friends and bees
from toxins and their deaths.
“I need right now the
information why
on earth the humans
do spray pesticides
on all they eat
and never learn anew.
She buzzed around and ended up
on Jenny’s pencil top.
Though not the answers could she find
on rubber and on wood.
That’s why she graded up her kit
to find the truth.
“An I-pad!” thought the little bee
and got herself attached
for 1 or 2 or maybe more
hours with no end.
It is not known if she had found
the answers to her car,
but she inspired tweets and pic
and this poem here.


Ah, I am not sure if this is high art, but it certainly is fun to write this. I still think so much of the video I saw with Neil Gaiman’s speech where he related (I think) Stephen King’s advice most of all to enjoy what he is doing. I like that attitude. I think that is the reason why “A Prompt A Day for Bee” came into being in the first place. I so enjoyed #frapalymo that I thought:” I have to do this much longer than just two months a year!”


But I also wanted to share the joy with the rest of the universe and the idea to turn the #frapalymo around and not give but get prompts emerged. I think it is a good training for your creativity and your poetry writing skills to make something out of prompts that have been given to you. If this excitement makes you wiggle as well don’t hesitate and send a prompt to The Bee. There are no limits to your ideas: Send me a word, a sentence, a picture, a quote, a poetry form, a….. you name it. Literally :-).

copyright: Neil Gaiman at University of Arts via YouTube

Fellow Bloggers writing about Bees:

Naturally Orla: Save the Bees – Rallying cry or Meme?

Adventures in Beeland’s Blog: Black bees in the mizzle at Godolphin