Hello, yes, I am already back and this time I didn’t miss wonderful Linda’s prompt:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “colour/colour.” Use it as a noun, a verb, or pick a colour and write about it–use it any way you like. Have fun!

Please find suggestions on how to take part and more creative posts here at Linda’s.

Yes, Mallory & Bianca are still on the move. Today with Camus in Algeria. Maybe 😁 or maybe not 🤣

Please check out here if you missed the previous Stream of Consciousness virtual travel adventure instalments.

Mallory Travels the World V

“What are you watching?” Bianca had asked a week into their Moroccan adventure. She wore a hat in the colour of cherries. Mallory stopped the video and looked up at her. “A video about that author you read so much currently. What was his name?” Bianca raised an eyebrow. “You mean Albert Camus?” “Yes, that one!”. Bianca sat down beside her at the pool of their hotel and asked: “Why?”

video credit: Afikra FWD via YouTube

“Well, you mentioned he was really Algerian and that he was a little controversial to both France and Algeria when they fought for independence. The next country I want to go to is Algeria” Mallory looked at Bianca, who started to smile. “Lucky you. I have friends living there. We can stay with them, and it will be easier to travel with a male chaperone.” Mallory made a face. “Yes, I know your “fight” for equal rights, but you can’t change a whole country’s culture just because you want to visit there,” Bianca said annoyed. “I am not!” Mallory interjected. “It’s just… I am not used to having a bloke taking care of me.” Bianca smiled. “After the experience with your ex, you should enjoy it,” she thought.

“I think it’s great to visit someone who knows the country,” Mallory said after a moment of thinking. Where do they live?” “A little outside Algiers towards the Kabylia region. They often visit. It’s a great area of history, both Berber and Roman. ” “Cool,” said Mallory. “I saw a video about Kabylia villages. It’s a mountainous region, isn’t it?” Bianca smiled again. “Yes, full of orchards and people who are incredible craftspeople. They have jewellery in such beautiful colours”. “Have you been there?” “I always wanted to go but never got around to it. Francois and Helene will be excited. Let me call them…”

video credit: Nassim Herkat via YouTube

“I can’t believe it! We are here! What a view!” thought Mallory as she stood with Bianca and her friends in what the French called Fort Nationale. She looked over the mountains, and it felt like they were on top of the world. The sky shone in a light blue colour over the green orchards. They had just visited the public library which made Bianca excited. A long room full of shelves with books. The council leader who never used the French name but called his town “Larbaâ Nath Irathen” explained: ” Education is very important for us. It is the only way to make a better life for our families and the whole town. It’s also the only way to enable young people to learn traditional crafts. All villages work like that!” Francois asked something in French Mallory didn’t understand. But she listened to Bianca and Helene chatting away in French too. “It’s a beautiful sounding language,” she thought.

Bianca looked over at her:” Are you ok?” she asked. “Yes, fine,” Mallory said and then muttered, “Now I know why my grandmother insisted on me learning French… “. She felt Bianca’s eyes still on her. “What?” Mallory asked. “You are so quiet! I am not used to not hearing your chatter anymore!” Bianca said. “Well, my French is a bit… rusty?” Mallory grinned. “Oh…, of course!” Bianca listened for a moment to what the men were talking about. “We are invited to stay with the council leaders’ family. A huge honour. They try to keep tourism in check so the towns and villages do not lose their identity!” Bianca translated. Mallory knew that both men were friends working together on a cultural project of some sort. “It does have advantages to travel with people who live in the area,” she thought.

They walked back into the labyrinth of alleys full of beautiful murals of proud Berbers who fought for their independence. But there were funny ones too. “Look”, Mallory said to Bianca: “Even Einstein made it here”. She laughed while she pointed to the mural ahead, showing Einstein with some scientific signs. On top, it said: Everybody is a genius, but…” They all laughed when they came closer. Little shops were dotted in between the ancient and new houses. Mallory was glad when they arrived at one of the public “rooms” that Mallory first thought were gates in a huge wall. “These are our public meeting places.” explained the council leader. His wife just arrived and brought tea with a tray with date cookies. “Merci beaucoup!” Mallory said when she was offered one. The tall proud-looking woman in traditional colourful garb smiled at her and then left. Her husband went on:” We can go to the next village today and then you’ll come back to my house. We are honoured to have you as guests!” Biana, her friends, and Mallory thanked him and his family. Francois took out some books and sweets they had brought as guest presents. His friend took them and bowed his head.

After a day full of exploration of the area, they settled late into the families living to watch tv. Mallory was excited. They showed “The Fifth Element”, one of her favourite films. It was in French, but she knew it by heart, so it didn’t matter. “You know that song when she jumps into that taxi?” Francois asked them. They all looked at him: “That Khaled. He was born in Oran!” “What? The Camus “La Peste” city?” Bianca said, looking unconvinced. “No, silly,” Francois answered, “the real Oran,” and laughed.

video credit: Khaled & Buena Vista International, source Tadej Kidric via YouTube

Thanks, my dears, for staying with me until the end.

I appreciate your presence.

Please stay safe, stay kind and remember that you rock!

Image of river landscape with quote about breast cancer by Molly Irivins

Just one more thing before you go: The hospital that is treating me is fundraising for a dedicated breast cancer unit which would allow some same-day diagnosis and better premises for patients and staff.

Please, if you can spare a little money hop over to their Just Giving Page and give as little or much as you can. Or share the page on your social media. So far the campaign has raised about half the amount needed: £450,081 of £800,000 (May 2021).

Your support means a lot to me! Thank you very much.