I should have put this prompt yesterday for “Wordless Wednesday” LOL.

There are many instrumental love songs out there of all genres. I do like a bit of classical music and the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg has created some of the sweetest music known to mankind. I am a huge fan of his music cycle “Peer Gynt“. You are probably familiar with the “Morning Mood” one of the most famous tunes of the cycle. For today I have chosen the beginning though which is called “At The Wedding” and has both some bombastic but also very soft and romantic parts.

Please enjoy 🙂

(Please click on the link in the description of the video, if you can’t see it on the blog. It’ll lead to it’s YouTube location)

video credit: Baltic Sea Philharmonic Youth Orchestra via YouTube

Please keep in mind, that ping-backs do not work on my blog. Please, share your links in the comments so I know you are taking part and I can visit your blog. Thanks!

I keep my post short as you know we are busy down sizing. So here is tomorrow’s prompt:

Tomorrow on February 25th we

A Love Song from February 25th, 2022

And just to remind you here are the suggestions on how to take part and all prompts:

“Love Is In Da Blog” Rules/suggestions

  1. Join in! No matter where, when and with what. You missed the first day or week? Don’t worry. Just jump in when it suits you.
  2. Send us the link! The ping-back option does not work as my blog is private so please leave a link in the comments of the post on the day you take part.
  3. Tag your post either with “Love Is In Da Blog” or “LoIsInDaBl” or “Love Is In Da Blog 22” or #LoIsInDaBl22. You can also use these as hashtags for Twitter and other Social Networks to give your post more exposure.
  4. No matter which music the prompt favours you create with it whatever you please, and whatever length you please (no pun intended 😉 ) as long as it is about “LOVE.”
  5. I post the prompt post the day before so you have some time to make up your mind and create your post. There won’t be two different posts and I hope it’s not too confusing.
  6. If you like, use this picture for your readers to find the posts.
Love Is In Da Blog Logo 2022
created with Canva

If you also like to write a poem to the prompts feel free to do so 🙂

Prompt List for Love Is In Da Blog 2022 “A Very Random Challenge”

  1. Choose your own
  2. A Love Song to your home
  3. A Love Song from February 3rd, 1922
  4. A Love Song with A Boat in it
  5. A Love Song from February 5th, 1932
  6. A Love Song from an artist born on February 6th
  7. A Love Song from February 7th, 1942
  8. Choose your own
  9. A Love Song from February 9th, 1952
  10. A Love Song, that isn’t a Love Song, but you think it’s a Love Song 😉
  11. A Love Song from February 11th, 1962
  12. A Love Song to yourself
  13. A Love Song from February 13th, 1972
  14. A Valentine’s Love Song
  15. Choose your own
  16. A Love Song from February 16th, 1982
  17. A Strange Love Song
  18. A Love Song from February 18th, 1992
  19. A foreign Love Song
  20. A Love Song from February 20th, 2002
  21. An A Capella Love Song
  22. Choose your own
  23. A Love Song from February 23rd, 2012
  24. A Love Song Without Words
  25. A Love Song from February 25th, 2022
  26. A Love Song for what is dear to you
  27. A Random Love Song
  28. Choose Your own

Let’s do this and have some fun 🙂

Please stay safe, stay kind and remember you are loved!