I wrote this post last week but here it is again as a reminder. You have one more week, if you want to put a badge for “Love Is In Da Blog” for voting. I am looking forward to get your entries.

Hello, dear people of the blogoverse. You rock and I am grateful to know you! Yes, “Love Is In Da Blog” is around the corner and I thought this year I’ll update the badge. But I would absolutely love your input and your ideas, so I thought this year we’ll do a badge creating competition.

If you like to create badges and would love to see yours on this year’s “Love Is In Da Blog” then please send me your suggestions at thebeecreates(at)gmail.com with the badge attached. You have until Friday, January 19th, 2024. After that, I’ll put the badges up for choosing for all of you (January 20th-26th,2024).

Here are the things that need to be on the badge:

  • One badge for “Love Is In Da Blog 2024” and another for “I survived “Love Is In Da Blog 2024”
  • Preferably png or jpg format
  • The rest is up to you. I can change sizes and formats if necessary with Canva.

Does that make sense? If not, please do not hesitate to ask at thebeecreates(at)gmail.com.

Thanks for your help and good luck with creating!

What is “What Is Love Is In Da Blog 2024” all about? Find out here:

Ladies, Themdies, Gentlemen and Gentlethems, the theme of “Love Is In Da Blog 2024” is

Love Is In Da Blog Celebrates Black History Month!

I wanted to do that for years, but wasn’t courageous enough to suggest it. After all, who am I to celebrate the greats of black music? But the longer I do music challenges and the longer I live I realise how much black musicians have done for popular and other music, and how little they often get the respect they deserve. Therefore, I feel it is time to do one month of love for black musicians!!!!!

And yes, I know, June is Black Music Month, when we could do that every year. And maybe I’ll start another music challenge just for the joy of it. But for now we’ll do it for “Love Is In Da Blog 2024”

Are you up for it????

Love Is In Da Blog Prompt List 2024

The overall challenge is to only feature black musicians in your posts. On top of that, I will give you daily prompt challenges too. And here they are:

  • 1. 2.2024 A Song To Celebrate Black History Month
  • 2.2.2024 Your Favourite Love Song By A Black Musician.
  • 3.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 4.2.2024 Find A Spiritual About Love
  • 5.2.2024 Your Favourite R&B Love Song By A Black Musician
  • 6.2.2024 Find A Funky Love Song By A Black Musician.
  • 7.2.2024 Your Favourite Soul Love Song By A Black Musician.
  • 8.2.2024 Find A Hip Hop Song About Love By A Black Musician
  • 9.2.2024 Find A Country Love Song By A Black Musician.
  • 10.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 11.2.2024 Find A Spiritual About Love
  • 12.2.2024 Choose A Classical Piece By A Black Composer
  • 13.2.2024 Find A Jazz Love Song By A Black musician
  • 14.2.2024 Your Favourite Valentine’s Song By A Black Musician
  • 15.2.2024 Find An Instrumental By A Black Musician
  • 16.2.2024 Your Favourite Pop Love Song By A Black Musician
  • 17.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 18.2.2024 Find A Spiritual About Love
  • 19.2.2024 Your Favourite Song By A Black Female
  • 20.2.2024 Find A Black Boy Band
  • 21.2.2024 Your Favourite Song By A Black Girl Band
  • 22.2.2024 Find A Black Singer-Songwriter
  • 23.2.2024 Choose A Song From An Opera By A Black Composer
  • 24.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 25.2.2024 Find A Spiritual About Love
  • 26.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 27.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 28.2.2024 Free Choice Black Music
  • 29.2.2024 Thank You For The Black Music!

I suggest you link your posts back to my prompt posts, meaning the post for prompt No 1., links back to my post on January 31st, the post for prompt No 2 Links back to my post on February 1., and the post for prompt No 3 links back to my post on February 2.. This way, all the participants who are ahead of my timeline can take part accordingly too. I hope this makes sense!

Here are some resources to read up on black music & its history, in no particular order:

If you have any links to add, please let me know.

And here the suggestions/rules on how to take part in Love Is In Da Blog

“Love Is In Da Blog” Rules/suggestions

  1. Join in! No matter where, when, and with what. You missed the first day or week? Don’t worry. Just jump in when it suits you.
  2. Send us the link! My blog is public again, so ping-backs work. A ping-back is a link from one WP blog to another. If you blog on another platform, please leave your link in the comments.
  3. Tag your post either with “Love Is In Da Blog” or “LoIsInDaBl” or “Love Is In Da Blog 24” or #LoIsInDaBl24. You can also use these as hashtags for your Social Networks to give your post more exposure.
  4. No matter which music the prompt favours, you create with it whatever you please and whatever length you please (no pun intended 😉 ) as long as it is about “LOVE & features A Black Musician.”
  5. I post the prompt post the day before, so you have some time to make up your mind and create your post. There won’t be two different posts, and I hope it’s not too confusing.

“Love Is In Da Blog 2024” won’t be bilingual. Sorry for that.

May you be safe, may you be kind and may you have and bring Happiness!